Retirement Planning
Your age is a crucial factor when it comes to retirement planning as the amount of time you have to accumulate capital will work to your advantage. The strategy is to boost your savings in your tax-deferred retirement accounts with the aid of matching contributions from your employer, if provided.
Your goal is to provide for your own needs in retirement, accounting for healthcare, inflation and your estimated lifespan. Depending on your lifestyle, keep in mind that retirement is also a time to enjoy traveling, visiting with family and relaxing without worry of the future.
We can help you plan for the future and provide a good life for yourself today, allocating assets and other resources to help you achieve and live the life you dream of.
Almost to retirement

Life doesn’t always go as planned. As you approach retirement, you may wonder if you are emotionally ready to stop working. The amount of money you have may be in place, but how will you handle all that time on your own?
We look at many factors to determine your readiness. When do you want to retire? Where do you want to live? Will you help a charity, play golf, sail around the world, work on your painting or music? Are you moving to a different environment? Will your expenses drop or increase? The options are endless and planning for this change is crucial. We look closely at the life you have envision and plan for your expenses.
If you need to play catch up, we may look at how you can save more in your retirement accounts or reassess your expenses up or down. It’s an exciting time, and we will make sure you are prepared for a fantastic retirement.
In retirement

Now is the time when we put your vision into practice. It’s time to live the life you worked so hard for. The planning, however does not stop here. Many seniors continue to work and take on a new business venture while others simply want to engage in recreational and hobby adventures they’ve been putting off for too long. We need to monitor your financial and emotional developments to ensure you are on track all the way through your lifetime.
At this stage, health issues become more apparent and providing for adequate care is a real consideration. We will help you make sure your active and less-active lifestyles are adequately planned for and taken care of.
We will put an income strategy into place to help you be covered, adjust to your situation and monitor along the way.